Dinamiche | Venezia


Andrea Morucchio solo show | sculpture/video | 
Galleria Rossella Junck, Venezia
July 4 - August 15, 2000
>>> Catalogue with text by Andrea Pagnes
Andrea Morucchio began with his own exhibition Dinamiche at Rossella Junck Gallery in which he presented glass and iron sculptures from the series >>> Blade and >>> Enlightenments.

For this exhibition the video >>> Dynamo was produced, made by the montage of more than one hundred photographs treating the moments of production of works.

The series of immobile glass Blades represent the starting point from which Morucchio's sculptural research regarding spiritual dynamism develops. Blade, as a clarifying element of his tumultuous creative impulse, represents the thought that introduces light, and then splits in two leading to synthesis.

The visual projection of the Blade essence is a simple glass point that pierces iron barriers traveling on horizontal lines creating structures that freeze a “continuous occurrence” Enlightenments; there are no physical expedients to underline the kinetic spirit of the works and yet these works communicate a strong dynamic charge.

"Inserting the glass points in iron holes make me feel that the physical and symbolic contrast between glass and iron creates a process of vibrations by which the sculpture is charged with spiritual, dynamic energy." AM