TheEnlightenments sculptural series enact a dynamic tension between opposites: the physical and symbolic antithesis of materials, here, iron and glass. Glass points break through iron barriers, crossing potentially infinite trajectories. Thus, they present themselves almost as obstacles to rationality - a paradox, a koan, foreseer of possible and further “openings” and enlightenments.. Enlightenments are the first works - together with the series of Blade created by Morucchio and presented in Venice in his first solo exhibition Dinamiche
La serie delle scultureEnlightenments pone in atto una tensione dinamica tra opposti:l’antitesi fisica e simbolica di materiali quali il ferro e il vetro.Cuspidi di vetro sfondano barriere di ferro percorrendo traiettorie orizzontali ipoteticamente infinite, presentandosi quasi come un ostacolo per la razionalità, un paradosso, un koan, foriero di possibili ed ulteriori “aperture”, e illuminazioni…
Le sculture della serie Enlightenments sono assieme alla serie Blade le prime opere create da Morucchio e presentate a Venezia per la prima volta alla mostra personale Dinamiche
Enlightenments 04, 2000, forged iron, blown and ground crystal elements, 100×106.5×106.5 cmEnlightenments 04. detailEnlightenment 03, 2000, forged iron, blown and ground crystal , 41x45x13 cmEnlightenment 03, 2000, forged iron, blown and ground crystal, 41x45x13 cmEnlightenment 08, 2003, forged iron, blown and ground crystal, 25x40x18 cmEnlightenments 06b, 2000, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 95x40x28 cmEnlightenments 06a, 2000, forged iron, blown and ground black glass, 95x40x28 cmEnlightenment 12, 2009, forged iron, blown and ground black glass, 65x40x13 cmEnlightenment 12, 2009, forged iron, blown and ground black glass, 65x40x13 cmEnlightenment 12, detailEnlightenments 02, 2000, forged iron, blown and ground orange glass, 51x40x12 cmEnlightenments 02, detailEnlightenments 02, 2000, forged iron, blown and ground orange glass, 51x40x12 cmEnlightenments 09, 2004, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 30x57x15 cmEnlightenments 09, 2004, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 30x57x15 cmEnlightenments 05, 2000, Museo del Vetro, Murano, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 220x40x40 cmEnlightenments 05, 2000, Museo del Vetro, Murano, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 220x40x40 cmEnlightenments 05, 2000, Museo del Vetro, Murano, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 220x40x40 cmEnlightenments 07, 2000, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 66,5x45x13 cmEnlightenments 07, detailEnlightenments 10, 2004, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 35x40x15,5 cmEnlightenment 14, 2009, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 65x40x13 cmEnlightenment 14, 2009, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 65x40x13 cmEnlightenment 13, 2009, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 110x40x11,5 cmEnlightenment 13, 2009, forged iron, blown and ground glass, 110x40x11,5 cmSidEnlightenment 01, 2001, forged iron, blown, ground glass, 33x132x5 cmSidEnlightenment 01, 2001, forged iron, blown, ground glass, 33x132x5 cmEnlightenments, making ofEnlightenments, making ofEnlightenments, making of