Re-Flooring | nft video

RE-FLOORING | nft videos | minted on >>> OpenSea | unique piece edition
The total number of Re-Flooring videos minted is 21 nfts | Blockchain certified by Verisart. A selection of nine nfts from this series were used in 2022 to create an installation work based on augmented reality >>> Re-Flooring installation project
The mosaic pavement of St.Mark's Basilica - 2099 square meters consisting of marble tesserae forming geometric figures or animals - is in serious danger because of the difficulty in blocking the continuous flooding caused by the increasingly frequent high tide. The most significant installation element of the project >>> The Rape of Venice (Andrea Morucchio, Museo Mocenigo, MUVE Contemporaneo, Venice Biennale 2015) - consisted of the ground installation of a surface that reproduced discombobulated thousands of photographic tiles of the floor of San Marco. I have currently corrected, cleaned, and digitally rearranged more than 9,000 tessellations that I am also using to process the digital artwork series of the >>> Puzzling Classics project.
"The photographic documentation of the mosaic pavement that I have used - realized in the years preceding the current situation in which it is estimated that at least 60% of the tesserae must be replaced - represents an exceptional historical-artistic testimony in that it preserves the visual memory of an extraordinary treasure that is already strongly compromised and for which, at the present time, there is no possibility of salvation." On the basis of these considerations, and in accordance with the intentions that animated The Rape of Venice project, Morucchio created a series of single-edition NFTs video animations entitled Re-Flooring NFT video, Puzzling San Marco Floor Mosaic.
Each video consists of 24 images that reassembled reproduce a part of the pavement; from a situation of complete disappearance of the images, accompanied rhythmically by a sound of splashing that I recorded in the lagoon are gradually recomposed until they reproduce the original figure.