PERCER-VOIR 03 | Hobart

PERCER-VOIR 3 Since 2006, Islington Collection, Hobart
The environmental installation Percer-Voir #1, composed of 14 glass elements, was conceived in Australia for the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Garden lake, Hobart (2003) and for the Hotel Islington terrace, Hobart (2006). The glass elements were installed either using iron bars attached to their bases and inserted into the ground. The impact of the light renders the spires dynamic. Through the changing effects of reflection and refraction, these open up brand new perceptions/visions of the space. The installation is made by glass points “springing out of” earth. The visual effect is that points likely flow out of the ground or of the water. The natural light permeates the mate glass points giving them dynamism, shape and “essence”. The movement of our visual field respect the installation space reveals rhythmically the presence of the points that virtually project around their diagonal or vertical tangents. The linear projections of the crystal points are propagated in the space connecting earth/sky and creating a visionary scenery of one environment crossed by light flows. The synergy created by placing glass “points” within the environment activates a vibration process by which visitors are deeply engaged, and through the experience stimulated to see in them an inner experience that transcends rationality. The titlePercer-Voir, from the French “perceive”, plays on the literal translation of the two terms: pierce and see. The title encourages the physical and objective perception of the environment through a sequence of perforations - metaphorically, by the glass points - that stimulate an emotional and subjective perception, a greater understanding allowing us to see by piercing, lighting the depths of one’s own soul. The installation elements, point or tip, could be considered as “archetype of the physical world, created by the spiritual forces and floating in the ethereal world”. It would represent the spiritual energy by which the nature has been created and constantly is renewed and strengthened. It shows the existence of a potent and inexplicable reality, not visible to the sensible and superficial observation of the nature.